George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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Protesting: Crisis Management
'The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…’ John 10:10-New King James Version (NKJV). This is paints a picture of what to expect when a crisis strikes. Rarely will a crisis leave an organization intact: its effects are worrisome. A crisis can put a whole corporation out of business. Send thousands of people packing and destroy property worth millions. A crisis is a communications professional proverbial ‘between a rock and a hard place’.

 Of the top of my mind, I can mention several crises that have hit hard. First in line was the terror attacks, in all corners of the country: Kapedo, West Gate, and Garissa. Many lives were lost. I remember the government running short of air in their attempt to justify their legitimacy when they were failing to protect and preserve life. 

Second, came the Ebola outbreak. Despite being a global threat, it did not bring relief to individual countries. Due to the severity of the disease, it was important for the government to assure the public that it would not let the disease permeate the country. Measures to screen anyone and everyone who came in the country were heightened. Despite a few scare cases in the country, we survived.

 Then came the strikes. Medical professionals and teachers have downed their tools, not once but many times. Both times, protesting for better pay. Medical practitioners want the greater Human Resources role to remain with the National government. Whereas governors still want to hold on to this function. Despite there being cases of delayed payments for months. Oh, well.

 As far as our beloved teachers are concerned, they have not resumed school. Reason being failure by government to affect their due salary increment of 50-60%. This makes it a case of who will blink first.
 From what we gather, it is not the teachers. It is the third week and still schools remain closed. Echoing the sentiments of the government who are not budging with their ‘won’t pay, can’t pay’ phrase. Teachers response: ‘won’t teach, can’t teach.’ 

We have seen National Youth Service, officers taking to the streets with two agendas. One, to demand their withheld payments and two, demanding the removal of CS Anne Waiguru from the ministry. However, from a far, you can smell some tribalism brewing underneath. When party supporters call out on each other to back off and or as the opposition led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga wants, get out of office.

Weather reports, without forgetting, have indicated the approach of deadly rains known otherwise known as El Nino. Another crisis, in the making. 

All the foregoing scenarios are clear indicators that crises are part of society and therefore us. It is only proper that we equip ourselves with the necessary resources to fight back if prevention measures fail. This article aims to equip you, as far as knowledge resource is concerned that should you ever find yourself in the midst of a crisis, then you will have the wherewithal to manoeuvre your way out.

 For every crises, there is a theory that scholars use as a basis for any decision making.The proponent of this theory Benoit W.L analysed crises and applied his theory to come up with a framework for which to combat a crisis when it happens.

 This theory: Image Restoration (Benoit, 1995) provides scholars of strategic communication a range of options to understand more clearly how and why an organization responded to a given crisis. 

 The theory incorporates five main categories: denial, evading responsibility, reducing offensiveness, corrective action, and mortification (Benoit, 1995). This analysis specifically looks at the reduction of offensiveness category and two of its subcategories: bolstering, which stresses good traits and accomplishments; and attack accuser, which reduces an accuser’s credibility and lessens their damage to reputations (Blaney & Benoit, 2001).

 Moreover, as (Clark & Delia, 1979) point out, Image Restoration Theory builds on the premise that communication is goal-centred. And that maintenance of a positive image is among these primary goals.
  • Denial,
  • Evading responsibility,
  • Reducing offensiveness,
  • Corrective action, and
  • Mortification

In the aforementioned crises: the government, source of money for the teachers, has denied having the cash and or being responsible for the teacher’s predicament. As a way of evading responsibility, the same government has tossed the ball to the Salaries & Remuneration commission to step in and look into the plight of these teachers. To try to reduce the offensiveness, we have seen the government (TSC) run to the courts to try to find fault with the teacher’s strike. A ploy, lawyer Paul Muite finds baseless.

The only two stages that remain in solving this debacle is corrective action and mortification. Eventually, the government must find a way of solving the ongoing strikes as a corrective measure. Finally, mortification.
Either knowingly or unknowingly, the government has employed the use of three of these strategies already.

Next time you are in a crisis (hopefully not), or happen to notice one: identify how these strategies have been used. Better yet, use them.

Like a fire fighter, your asbestos suit and water are in check. Go fight the fire!

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