George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership

The Three Circles

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Taking the advice of pioneers, to never stop learning, I came across something and someone who changed my thinking. If you ever find yourself online and or in a library, Google Seth Godin. Devour all that you can find written by him.

In reading his work, I learnt something about circles. Which I would like to share with you.

As we spend time on this earth, among other things, we are all looking to build circles. In fact, where I work, I have colleagues who I consider to be in the inner circle. You know them right? Those you can confide in when management behaves in a not so favourable manner. Well, that was all there was to it. Until, I read Seth’s post, titled 'The Big Drop-Off.'

A concept he explains as the natural state of affairs. ‘The Big Drop-Off is the huge decline that occurs between our enthusiasm and the tepid actions of the first circle.’ says Seth. How do we get here: I thought? Well, it is by marketers, advertisers, business owners, and people trying to quell their attention urge.

In the process of quelling this urge we build the first circle. This circle comprises of followers, friends, customers, subscribers, and everyone ready and willing to hear our pitch. ‘This is the group we (business owners, marketers) talk to about our new products, or new record, our upcoming big sale.’ explains Seth.

It does not stop there, does it? No. From this first circle, we want them to give us their undivided attention. Moreover, to continue being part of the growing list of followers, subscribers, likes, customers and loyal fans.

But, as we immerse ourselves in this circle, we forget the second circle. Which as the post explains, matters immensely. ‘The second circle is the set of people who hear about us from the first circle.’ Adds Seth.

The modus operandi is 'If they like our products and services, enough those in the first circle, they will actually use their time and energy to talk about it. They will tell two or more friends.' Moreover, if you are good, expect the second circle to tell the third circle. However, note this: the second circle comprises of people we do not even know. They are as a result of the first circle.

It is from this second circle that a third circle emerges. This third circle further consists of people we do not know. This is the golden goose that lays the golden egg. Where the awaited results lie. ‘It’s the third circle that makes you a hit, gets you elected, and tips your idea,’ says Seth.

What does this mean: as business owners and consultants (whoever you are) pay attention to the client you have, the first circle. Take your time and give them the best possible service and always tweak your services, ensuring that he gets the very best. From this, you will find them using their energy and time, actually going out of their own way to talk about you to others. From that, a second circle emerges. Then with a little more work, a third circle.

Knowing which circle matters most, you are better placed to deploy resources effectively. Go for the first circle. Do a bang up job and wait for stardom, if you are into that sort of thing. If not, wait for more clients to come knocking your office door.
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