George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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Communication makes the world go round. Without an efficient means of communication in place, businesses that employ field representatives run the risk of having high employee turnover, customer dissatisfaction, and project failure. Effective communications practices within an organization will empower employees to tackle any challenge that comes their way. The following tips are examples of how managers can improve their communications practices with remote field teams.
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1. Strive For Message Simplicity and Consistency
It can be difficult for managers to connect with employees who do not report to a central office location every day. It is crucial that messages from management are easily digestible for field reps who are busy traveling to various work sites, meeting with clients, and collecting data. Managers should aim to deliver messages that use simple, actionable language, especially since field reps do not have the luxury of interpreting nonverbal that are apparent during a face-to-face conversation. Managers should also consider the importance of consistency when crafting messages that are being relayed to their field teams.  It is best to create messages that use the same language in every iteration. Consistency also means reinforcing company culture and objectives in your messages, which can help to foster a sense of camaraderie amongst remote field teams.
2. Provide Feedback
Another common communications issue faced by managers is the lack of feedback (positive or negative) that is received by field reps. Providing feedback keeps employees both engaged and accountable. Recognizing employees for the work they have done will boost morale and make it easier for them to see how their accomplishments make a difference in the long-term goals of the organization. It is also important to let employees know when there is room for improvement in their work. Some Field Activity Management software solutions allow reps to keep themselves in check by viewing the tasks they have accomplished and have yet to accomplish on a given day using their mobile devices. Similarly, managers can monitor field reps’ activities in real-time from the back office.  Employees will feel more connected to their work and organization if they are aware of and recognized for their performance.
3. Be Sincere
Employees can easily differentiate between when a manager is communicating with them genuinely and when he or she is being insincere. Similar to feedback, sincerity lets employees know that they are valued and therefore drives up engagement levels. Honest and open communication between managers and field reps is key to fostering trust throughout an organization. Managers should make an effort to verbally communicate with field reps individually to discuss the status of current projects as well as future goals. Sincerity from managers is critical for remote employees to feel connected to the larger organization they are a part of.

Strong communication practices are fundamental for remote field teams and their managers. If managers and reps are able to converse with each other well, productivity increases and customer service capabilities improve. Businesses should consider implementing technologies that streamline day-to-day communication. Doing so will keep employees engaged, which is an invaluable attribute for any healthy business to have.
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