George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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The information age came with good tidings. However, it brought along a dark cloud called information saturation. There is nothing new in that sphere. This information saturation is an issue we need to take note of with all due gravity. Since, we are in the business whose currency is information-spoken and/or written after all.

This has made our work as communications professionals, difficult. Don’t you agree? Getting our press releases ‘heard’ is a challenge we need to continuously ponder over, and find ways to reach our audience. Press releases continue to be the most formidable tool in our toolbox. 

Image Credit | Mark Greenwood

On 22nd February 2015, Charity Maina was raped and killed in Moi University. In a bid to quell, the heated outburst of the community-students-the Vice Chancellor Prof. Richard Mibey issued a press release in the dailies the following day. Now, according to critics, apparently it had many grammatical errors. A clear indication that someone in the administration was in a hurry to correct a great wrong. I heard of it in the social media. Whether it achieved its intended purpose or not, is an issue at large, for us to vet. The question becomes; what could they have done to gain traction?

In order to get our press release ‘heard’ we need to use all media available. The internet being the most important. Statistics indicate that 26.5% of the African Population use the internet. Consider this percentage and the inadequate infrastructures that we have. Factoring in that we are on the path to actual development this number will soar. This is an indication for us (communication professionals) to prepare ourselves to capitalize on this space.

With that in mind, here are 5 tips to make your press release standout online, working on the belief that it will be your first channel to turn to, right? If yes, read on.

Write Clear Headlines
It never gets old. In all writing, headlines are your ticket to a reader’s time. If it stands out, then you have increased your chances of getting your reader’s attention. If not then we have to work on this. On that note, your heading needs to be 22 characters or less.

The Length
A press release is a document that tells a synopsis of your company and or news worthy information in the company. Answering the question of who, what, when, why, where & how of a topic. This 5W’s and 1H make the body of the release as airtight as possible. Keeping the release two pages or less or 600 words or less is a key ingredient. According to Elizabeth Hillmann of Discovery Education says, ‘The length of the press release should be under 600 words or no more than two pages to make it the most effective, and will aid in optimization.’ Solid advice.

What are these? According to Corry Janssen, Technopedia, He says, ‘A keyword, in the context of search engine optimization (SEO), is a particular word or phrase that describes the contents of a web page. Keywords are intended to act as shortcuts that sum up an entire page.’ With that in mind, Elizabeth advices that we need to use at least we use two or three keywords throughout your headline, subhead and first paragraph to ensure consistency of messaging and increased chances of search results.

Rich Media
The saying that a picture is worth more than a 1000 words never gets old. However, if we could go back, something worth adding is a great picture is worth so much more than a 1000 words. In writing that press release, using high quality media-pictures, infographics, and video can help your releases rise to the top in search.

In concluding our strategy of conquering the online space, always make it a habit of incorporating your company logo in all your releases. This makes it easier to find your release if someone searches for your company or brand name; the images will come up. 

Knowing how to make our press releases ‘heard’ is our daily objective. Leveraging the online space is a step towards making this objective a possibility. Try it out and let me hear from you.

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