George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership
Chase the Likes - Social Media

4 Factors That Will Guarantee Your Social Content’s Popularity

Are you wondering why your content is not moving? Well, join the club. Grab a sit.

For years I always wondered why no one was liking, sharing, and or commenting on my posts. In fact, we would often joke with my friends: how when women post something inconsequential such as:

Emma’s Timeline: I am awake.

She would get a torrent of comments. Examples:

Joseph: Good morning beautiful.
Reakey:  Glad you are awake.
Samuel: We missed you while you were a sleep

Not to mention the likes. Phew!

However, when we would post something: not even a like. Even if it would be to warn our friends of a coming flood. No one would indulge us. Why?

Today, to both my friends and all those who grapple with this problem: I have good news. The reason why our posts were not popular are:

  • Usefulness
  • Interesting
  • Audience friendly and
  • Sticky

A little more on each:

I tend to disagree with this one. In light of our earlier scenario. However, aside from some guy wanting to show a female how 'attentive' he is: Oh! Social media, social content needs to be useful.

If it does not solve any problem or something along that line, then forget getting a single like. Perhaps you would do as we did: like your own posts. Sometimes I even tried disassociating with my own post. But hey, you have to try. About my remark on social media: despite bringing brands closer to consumers, it has taken the fun out of the chase. Those of us born in the 80's know what I am talking about.

How does your content measure up on the interesting scale? I know. I have been there. In fact, sometimes I thought I was not even on the scale. However, the trick lies in making your content fascinating. Provoke emotions. Start a conversation around a topic of your audience’s interest. Share some exclusive piece of information (hot gossip, men do not!). Build trust with your audience. Making your content hard to resist.

Audience Friendly
I think herein lay our misfortune. Despite having useful information, our audience was unfriendly. Young people do not have time to worry about natural calamities. They are busy having fun. I bet a post on a close by jam session would have fared on well. Floods! Please.

It does not end here. Your content needs formatting. In a manner that will be readable. Lastly, it comes down to the headline. It is true when they say; the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. Headlines are what eyes are to the soul. Craft them in a manner that they will grab the attention of the reader. In a split second, it has to convince your reader to look at what you have to say. A lousy headline, on the other hand will be your biggest obstacle.

It take times to master any craft. And the craft of writing amazing headlines is no exception. By the way, how did you find my headline? Not so...great. Still more work to do on that front.

Lastly, Stickiness
Make it so. You have made them peek at your amazingly decorated house. Making them want to sit and enjoy a glass of fresh orange juice is another task. However, achievable. Offer something no soul can say no.

Sticky social media content invites the reader to settle in, learn more, and maybe take the relationship further. That is the end game of any social media strategy: building relationships. For it is from these relationships that you will get brand ambassadors, referrals, clients and so on.

So, are you looking forward to your next social media content: facebook post, tweet, pin? Depending on the social channel, you are on. Why don’t you try it and let me know how it goes. Great. See you after a few tweets.
What is your goal?
The year is 2016. Glad to see you here by the way.

Back on to the New Year: management or our clients expect us to hit the ground running. Despite the holiday hangover, hitting the ground running we will.

In that quiet corner, staring into your laptop are you thinking what I am thinking. It is time to have your social media strategy ready, just in case management comes asking for it (and they will). If you are new to this, read along. If not, I will not mind your thoughts.

Formulating a social media strategy feels good at the end. But, when you are tucked away in a quiet corner thinking long and hard about where to start: here is a clue, start here. For any social media strategy to work: you need goals.

Before diving in to the demanding task of formulating your strategy: first, establish the clear goals you want this strategy to accomplish. Perhaps you can confer with management. (At least they will see you are onto something-good right.)

So, what about goals? Identify the business objectives and craft speciļ¬c goals to help meet those objectives. Always remember to make your goals specific. In case management comes to evaluate progress (and they will), it will not only be easier for you to develop metrics that match but you will show what they are paying you to do.

Often, you will find many businesses stating ‘Selling more stuff’ as their goal. Moreover, as Peter Friedman, Chairman, and CEO of Live World, says most of their clients would like to sell more stuff. He further advises that this goal can be achieved: although one needs to narrow it down to the stuff that needs selling and to whom. Once you get this right, then you are on your way to selling more stuff!

Back to setting goals: understanding the types of goals we have, will make it easier for you to specifically craft them.

They fall into the following categories:

  • Sales goals
  • Relationship goals
  • Customer Service and Support goals
  • Learning goals

A little more on each:

Sales Goals. What do you want to sell? Quantity? These refers to short-term revenues or long-term revenue you intend to bring in with the aide of your social campaigns and activity. Example: The first quarter, we need to sell six properties.

Relationship goals: As far as relationships go, establishing meaningful relationship with your audience goes a long way in achieving business goals. Marketing for improved positioning, awareness and education, customer acquisition, or long-term sales generation should not miss among your goals.

Customer service and support goals: Social media is one great avenue where a company can offer instant customer service and support. By responding to queries, complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner may help the company build trust and confidence with its audience. It is important that you make is a goal to use social media to improve customer satisfaction. Happy customer, profitable business.

Learning goals: Today, data is what clay is to bricks. Businesses need data in order to make sound decisions with the goal of giving their customers the best services and or products. Social media can be a great avenue for which to gather data and translate it into insights that can guide business decision making. This can come in handy when the company wants to improve its products and so on.

As you continue to hammer that strategy, I hope this finds you in good time and saves you the agony of not knowing where to begin. If you feel something is missing; comment and I will include it in the next post. Until then, happy strategy formulation. Most importantly, may you have a prosperous year!
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