In our line of work, more often we are asked to stand before people and speak. Thus the art of public speaking, and the reason as to why it is a unit taught in our institutions. Today however, we will not look at Public speaking as a skill, but at the way (s) to up our game.
Public Speaking coaches, will tell you that you need to prepare well prior to stepping on stage. Practice, practice, practice. If still in doubt, practice some more. Stand in front of a mirror, and speak. Stick out the tip of your tongue and make funny sounds. Solid pieces of advice.
One good piece of advice was from a coach and speaker who said, 'When on stage and fear-stage fright, creeps in, I always close my eyes and imagine a train approaching. As the train comes to a stop, I see stage fright boarding that train. The door shuts, and as the train starts to go, I see my stage fright going with it. I open my eyes. Feeling confident and ready to dazzle the crowds.' That is his process. What do you do?
Besides that, how do you ensure you are ready? First is by having your presentations ready. Take time and think about your presentation and the format you want it in and most suitable for your audience. As they say, 'Do what you preach'. Thus behold my video presentation.
Happy viewing.
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