George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership


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Sooner rather than later, there is a special element that has been in existence for way too long; which has to surface. Especially, when working. Though it exists just as an idea, it is voluminous. In the job market today, we are judged not only by how smart we are, but also by our levels of creativity. Creativity, I said.

Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein et al, were oozing with this rare talent. To them it formed part of their life. They had trained their bodies and brains to invest time and effort in coming up with that perfect work of art, innovation or piece of writing. Through their creativity, they immortalized themselves, such that years after their demise, we still refer to them.

In my own understanding, the concept of creativity seems to have been coined from two words. Create and act-ivity. Look at it as an activity that involves creating things, if I may use ‘things’ casually. At least you get the picture. It is for us practitioners, tuning ourselves in the habit of generating ideas that are of value once in a while if not consistently. But for the sake of keeping that lucrative job you have-it rather is consistently.

At this point in time, I believe it would be prudent of me to mention that there is a distinction between creative, creative thinking and creativity. ‘They all sound the same to me,’ probably that’s what you are telling yourself. I am not here to disagree with you, only to shade some light on the same. With the hope that you may change your line of thought.

Being creative, is the ability you posses. Most employers will give you an assignment let’s say coming up with a talking poster and usually they will add this; ‘…be creative and come up with something outstanding.’ Good God, how do I do it? Well the best place to start is evaluation. Have a moment of self introspection and try and throw yourself in a weighing creative-balance. Do you have this rare quality? Sometimes nobody will tell you so, but you owe it to yourself. Given that you are in my line of profession, you must have it hidden somewhere. A few unearthing and it will surface.
At this point let’s say it’s in check, you have confirmed positive of possessing this ability. What next. It is only wise if you understood creativity, but this time as a process. Besides confirming the existence of that ability to create, you have to engage yourself in a process that will eventually result in something worthwhile.

Robert E. Franken in his book Human Motivation, 3rd ed., he says: creativity is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. (Page 396) Scholarly, isn’t it? He further points out the various situations that will prompt an employee and or an individual to put on his creativity ensemble.
These are: need for novelty, varied, and complex stimulation, need to communicate ideas and values and the need to solve problems (page 396). Fitting in employees shoes, then what Robert says sums up the role of most employees within the organizations. In one way or the other, our bosses want us to solve problems, come up with novel ideas of doing things-again I use it casually, and or communicate!

Being in the field of communication, it cannot be said enough. We need, we must be creative professionals. Most people think that since they cannot draw, paint and or design then they lack that creative proficiency, I have good news. It is a true lie. Irrespective of your field and abilities, if you have the resolve to develop creativity for your sake, then you can. It can be learnt, but prior you must firstly have that mental shift.

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ” said Pablo Picasso. This is the way to go. This is the mental shift I am talking of. Do not be conventional. You want to see what creativity tastes like? Stop sitting at your work station all day when given a poster to design. Walk around. You need that perfect photograph of the sun setting, do not use the same camera settings you used last. Adjust them. You want to test your writing ability, pick a topic that is challenging and interesting at the same time. The bottom line is, rephrasing Pablo’s quote, dare to be different in your execution of duty. Stick your neck out there, it may just be it.

We live in a sophisticated world; where innovation is the way to go. Maybe when we are long gone or not, there will be tyre-less vehicles or talking electronics. But due to dynamism, things will certainly not be the same as they are today. The world is shifting beneath our feet, speedily. “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent,” wrote Charles Darwin, “but the one most responsive to change.” Leaving us with no option; but to actually shift with it.

This forecasts that our employers will definitely need people with something extra to offer. Owning academic papers will soon be a norm or is it already; it is what you will have that the other doesn’t have that will eventually give you the keys to the office. And most certainly it will be creativity.

At this point I will say that, it goes without saying creativity is a cognitive process. It curtain raises us into the world of creative thinking. At this point we are tasking our brains to yield creative ideas. In my first year, way back I remember being taught critical thinking and listening skills. Making me think, why don’t they teach creative thinking skills as well? You may ask but why, the truth is we need this. The human brain is not easy to capture, unfortunately for us communication practitioners. Be it in our writings, photographs, adverts and designs, we need an audience. But how do we get them? How do we infiltrate their attentive zone, the answer is by being creative.

Creative thinking is a way of looking at  or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions (business Look at creative thinking as a bolstering initiative. Specific thought processes which improves the ability to be creative. Ideas do not grow on trees, so I have heard. But suppose they do, you just have to look hard.

Fortunately, creativity cuts across all the disciplines. Architects have stepped up their game a notch. Look at the amazing structures like the one in Dubai, The palm island. In addition, motor engineers who came up with the fastest car alive, The Bugatti Veyron. Not forgetting teachers who need this skill. For you to teach that sum, so that even the less bright of your students at least understands it…is actually your job. Creativity is indeed a must have.

It has no limits to what it can do, irrespective of your profession if you have it. Owing to our malleable nature we can change to inculcate this quality. Meaning even the less creative, with a little conviction, and a push in the right direction then we can all be creative.

In my next article I will look at the steps that I have used to generate ideas and how I have transferred them from mere ideas to two dimension posters. If you get time visit this ( poster for life) and get a peak of what creativity looks like.

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