George Odenyo Litunya's

Thought Leadership
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The vicious cycle of poverty is not a new phenomenon. This time round I will refer to it as the vicious cycle of irresponsible leadership. We fashion the same tools that end up destroying us. Little do we know, but that’s the case. In the good book, bible, it is written train up a child in the way he should go; that when he is of age, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 26:6)

All leadership positions are noble. They come with great responsibility, which requires great sacrifice, commitment and all virtues well interwoven together. Without one thread of virtue in our code of virtues, then the leadership boat will be rocked to doomsday.

In our higher institutions for example, we have student leaders. A people elected by fellow comrades, to go into office and voice our concerns to the administration. They come second in the hierarchy of command as far as the administration and students are concerned. They are the go between; for they are closest to the administration. We always expect great representation of our interests. How naive we have constantly remained.

Our 24th student governing council was full of promising men and women, who fooled everyone that they would deliver. How long did it take? Reality dawned, and the foxes came out of their sheep skin ready to trample their way to connections, fame, luxury and money.

Saying that the entire student governing council (SGC) was greedy, inconsiderate and selfish would be unfair. For amidst them, was a man or woman who wanted to do good, but without support their effort became futile. The will was present, but a way, wasn’t. There are noble men and women in such band wagons, who want to be of service to their electorates; unfortunately they are outnumbered. Thus their efforts succumb and the resultant effect felt is zero.

History does repeat itself, only if you sit and let it. A father, who is born blind, sires a child with both eyes. Does the child have to pluck out their eyes, just because their forefathers, inclusive of their own were blind: not at all.

Later in came the 25th SGC, the same bait was used and we again fell for it. The results inevitably were the same. That sent me thinking, who is to blame? Those of us who vote are to blame. That burden is ours to bear-and we must live with the repercussions. ‘I will only vote for an individual because I want him to have that share of the pie’, this are bold words coming from a student. Who said the Moi University Student Organization (MUSO) subscription fee goes to some kind of kitty, for those who want to get rich the easy way, to take?

With reference to what I have said above, in comparison with the type of leadership our country has, there seems to be an emerging pattern. Our higher institutions of learning are breeding grounds for greedy, selfish, inconsiderate leaders. They are the same people who will go out in the job market and produce their leadership certificates, thus making them ‘better’ of than their competitors. But are they really better?

The bottom line is; we will always wallow in our very own era of poor governance. Selfish and greedy leaders will continue being churned from our institutions. They are the same people who will venture into national politics, having graduated from the institutional politics. Tax payer’s money will be exposed to embezzlement and they will do this without a thread of guilt; squandering every penny. If leaders embrace corruption, while in universities, colleges, high schools, then what makes you think they will abandon it when in positions of real power?

People out there always want to change the dynamics of politics; to ensure we get the best governance which we deserve. That’s why activists are all over nowadays. However, how many are willing to make that first leap? Understanding that at the end of the day, for every unworthy leader in office it is partly your fault? Do not go to your neighbour’s door seeking change, it starts with you. As they say you cannot change the world, unless you change yourself.

Have a purpose as to why you will cast your vote, that way you won’t regret. Personally, I have had enough and this time round I will vote for someone because I want to, not because I have to. It is not a favour, but a practice of democracy and an exercise of my constitutional right.

Elections are at the door steps. Knock! Knock! Whether you open or fail to open the door for the wrong or right reasons, it is entirely your decision. But remember, the innocent suffer because of the wreck less decisions we make. Be wise, be Kenyan.

Dr. Martin Luther King junior says and I quote ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’ Elections are imperative; do something about it, do not remain silent about it.

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