Five Things To Do, To Be On Top |
Five Things
to Boost Your Social Media Skills
Social media managers (communicators & marketers in general)
need to sharpen their skills, now more than ever. As we continue to witness the
immense growth of digital channels, it is incumbent that we continue to learn.
The question becomes, how do you stay up to date with changes
happening this fast? How do you run with the giants and prevent a possible burnout,
yet they keep changing and or adding features to the social sites, every single
It might seem daunting to stay on top of the game. Considering
that social media is growing very fast, but we can do it.
All you need to do is, invest your time and a few shillings and
you will be on your way to keeping your skills sharp. I read this piece of wisdom, somewhere and I am
going to share it as I read it: ‘Make
the time to invest in yourself.' Sometimes we are so
caught up in doing our day to day jobs, that we forget the importance of
learning new skills and practicing. Prioritize investing in yourself and your
skills or you’ll quickly find that your skills are obsolete.’
To keep you on top of your game, here are five things you need to
1) Attend conferences/seminars
How many have you attended so far? Just the other day, an accountant
friend of mine went to a seminar, on Corporate Tax, organized by the Kenya
Revenue Authority (KRA). In so doing, he shared with me, that he gathered valuable
knowledge that he would not have, while at his desk.
This goes to show you, how important it is to refresh your
knowledge. Conferences, and or seminars is where you will learn from experts
and expand your knowledge repertoire. Conferences get you energized, allow you
to network with other smart people and get the latest on industry trends,
tools, strategies, and approaches.
2) Read a few books
Readers are leaders. I heard this way back, and I continue to hear
it to date. In fact, among the 10 things that Warren Buffet does, before
clocking out is he reads 500 pages every day. Moreover, this is a person the
world, refers to as the Oracle of Omaha! Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and group are not far
Reading a few good books about topics (social media) that you want
to learn more about, will make you a leader in your field. Books tend to go
into more depth than blog posts and are usually based on facts, data, and
research vs. opinions. Brian Tracy says, if you read books on your field, it
will take you 5 years to become a leader in your field.
3) Blog subscription
There are many blogs in the world, on any topic you think about. Choose
a few blogs and subscribe to the RSS feed. Make it a priority to read a few
blog posts or trade publications at least every other day. This will keep you
up to date on new content and give you quick posts on new topics. Better yet,
start your own blog. Share your work experiences.
4) Attend a training.
Formal training is great because it provides structure around
learning something new. It is usually more comprehensive versus a conference or
blog post, meaning that you will learn a topic from start to finish. Social
Media Training is a great way to continue to advance your skills.
5) Follow great social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and
It is a crime, if you do not have at least one social media
account. If not at least three. With that in mind, where else can you connect
and see what pioneers and or thought leaders in your field are doing than
through their social media handles and or accounts? I get my best news from
social media and enjoy seeing a mix of personal and professional content in my
streams. Follow a few accounts to get breaking news and inspiration in your
social media news feeds.
I am sure the list could be longer than this. Feel free to add
your own to-do’s and share them with us. Until then, cheers to ever being on
top of the game!
Would you like to connect with me on social media? Check out my accounts.